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BASC Mission Statement

Working together, we can help each family reach its potential through the collaboration of our resources and services.

BASC Vision

BASC will strive to maximize the health, education and wellbeing of all families.

Mission & Vision

About BASC

Image by MI PHAM

Core Values:

  • to be as inclusive and representative of our county/communities as possible

  • to develop programs with a commitment to cultural inclusion and sensitivity

  • to be willing to improve on, or change existing systems to better serve the people of our county/communities

  • to neither replace nor duplicate existing agencies but rather recreate relationships among them 

  • to have a commitment to cooperate rather than compete with each other for limited resources

  • to integrate services and resources to the degree possible 

  • to develop projects based on collaboratively established values and priorities 

  • to govern ourselves in a way that promotes accountability 

  • to value and respect those we exist to serve

  • to facilitate a trauma-based family approach to service development and delivery

  • to maintain a commitment to a continuum of prevention and intervention services

Diversity Students

Strength in Diversity

Together, we stand against racism in all its forms, social injustice, and discrimination. We stand for and work toward unity across racial, socioeconomic, gender, and ethnic lines. We are always better together.

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