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Juvenile Diversion Program


BASC Juvenile Diversion Programming aims to reduce rates of recidivism and suspension by providing restoratively focused interventions for youths engaging in delinquent behaviors. 

Smiling Student


BASC employs one full-time Intervention Program Specialist to deliver the services outlined here. Youth are referred to programming by the County Attorney’s Office or area schools, depending on the service. 

Brianna Hurlburt Photo.jpg

Brianna Hurlburt

Intervention Program Specialist

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Alternative Responses to Court

  • ARCM (Alternative Response Case Management) - Targeted case management to meet the needs of youths and families referred by the County Attorney’s Office without a court order. Youth and family assist in creating the list of conditions to follow for successful discharge from programming.  Strengths based, trauma informed, with culture recognized as protective factor.


  • RESCU (Restoration, Education, Skills, Change, and You) – A 1½ hour cognitively-based program that provides guardians and youth with a safe space to discuss the young person’s choices, risks, and accountability. Guided by the Interactive Journal series “Forward Thinking.” The youth must attend with a parent/guardian.


  • Traffic Law Refresher Course - A one-hour pre- and post- test formatted class that requires youth to answer questions regarding the most commonly referred traffic offenses. Referral from and for traffic offense instead of court. Utilizes the MN Driver’s Manual as a guide to correct and learn from wrong answers.  The youth must attend with a parent/guardian.


  • RGC (Restorative Group Conferencing) - A process that brings together all stakeholders after a harmful incident to discuss what happened and to decide what the young person responsible must do to make things right to the best of his/her ability.


  • Sexting Diversion Program - Juveniles are referred to the program by Beltrami County Attorney’s Office, based on the recommendation of a Screening Committee, in lieu of formal charges. Youth attend a class coordinated and led by the BASC Intervention Program Specialist to learn about the risks and dangers associated with sexting. This class also addresses consequences of sexting, child pornography, and sexting laws. The youth must attend with a parent/guardian.

Restorative Practices Within Schools

  • RGC (Restorative Group Conferencing) - A process that brings together all stakeholders after a harmful incident to discuss what happened and to decide what the young person responsible must do to make things right to the best of his/her ability.

  • Peace Circles - A process that brings together students engaged in conflict to practice conflict resolution using non-violent communication.

Dually Involved Programming

  • Collaborative Conferencing (CC) - When a youth is involved in both the child welfare and juvenile delinquency systems (dually involved), they are particularly vulnerable and their family is likely overwhelmed. Collaborative Conferencing is a court-ordered process that brings together the youth, family, case managers, probation agent, ICWA workers, and any other identified parties to discuss and assess the current risks, needs, and strengths of the youth and family. The meeting culminates with an agreement crafted and signed by all parties outlining possible conditions of probation and assigning a primary case manager for ease of communication.

Family with Tablet


The social return of this programming for youth, families, and the community are reduced truancy, improved school performance, reduced near-term court costs, reduced costs of adult crime, reduced needs to social services, and improved health outcomes.  Recidivism, or rate of re-offending, for youth who participate in the programming is 5% for six months after completion of programming and 7% after 12 months.


BASC provides these services in collaboration with:

  • Beltrami County Attorney’s Office 

  • MN Department of Corrections -- Bemidji Office

  • Beltrami County Health and Human Services

  • Red Lake Family and Children’s Services

  • Schools in Beltrami County

  • Local service providers

  • Local law enforcement


This program is currently funded by:

  • A Youth Intervention Program Association grant ( administered by the State of Minnesota Office of Justice Programs, a division of the MN Department of Public Safety

  • Beltrami County

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